Why the school boycott? (text)
Many parents have wondered why the civil rights groups have called for a school bar boycott February 3rd. This is a proper attitude and one which deserves both recognition and commendation, for no parent who really has the interest of his child at heart will keep that child out of school without sound reasons.
We have not approached our present position lightly. The fact that most of our members are parents, indeed, working parents has weighed heavily in our deliberations. And yet after careful study, we have indorsed the boycott and urge your full support.
Our goal is two-fold. Our children must be giving quality education in a desegregated school system and we must know when they are to begin receiving it. We can not accept any more vague promises of some sort of action sometime in the future.
We are not asking the impossible as some have claimed. We believe that every child, whether he lives in South Jamaica or Kew Gardens is entitled to the same opportunity to develop his natural abilities.
We are not demanding indiscriminate busing. To achieve what we want there need be little more busing of children than presently exists. We do, however, feel that in a public school system where busing is required, both Negro and white children should share the experience.
We are not calling for the destruction of the so-called neighborhood school—except where the boundaries of such a school contribute to a pattern of racial segregation.
But why a boycott? Isn’t there another way to force the necessary changes?
Again, our reasons are two-fold. A full-scale boycott will show, as will nothing else, how much Negro parents are willing to sacrifice for their children. The moral impact will be such that no person in authority will ever again fail to consider the determination behind our fight for equality of educational opportunities.
Our second reason is more tangible. We have found that one of the quickest ways to destroy inequality and segregation is to hit it in the pocketbook. Financial aid to the school system is based upon pupil attendance. No pupils—no money. It’s as simple as that.
We honestly don’t want to boycott, but if the board of education’s plan fall short, the date is February 3rd.
Jamaica Branch NAACP 168-18 Liberty Avenue Jamaica 33. New York Jamaica 6-9070
Queens CORE 189-22 Keesville Avenue St Albans 12, New York. HOllis 5-9088
Printed U.S.A. Keg Enterprises, Jamaica, NY OL 9-0623